
QUALITY LONGEVITY REAL STRENGTH focuses on the importance of building strength for daily functional movement, increased flexibility, balance and coordination and to do what you can to stay strong, active, healthy and independent for your later years.

Now more than ever we know the importance of developing muscle strength for increased bone density, building muscle mass, easing diseases linked to poor lifestyle choices and so on. Research tells us the importance of stronger bodies to slow the prevention of Dementia and Alzheimer's. We know exercise is one of the lifestyle medicines we need to take for staying active and relevant as we age. The Quality Longevity Real Strength program is unique because it is based on the strong link between our physical, mental and emotional health.

It’s never too late to create change in your life and Quality Longevity Real Strength will help you finish your individual marathon of life strong, no matter what your pace.

With the guidance of the Dean Mawby Method for strength training with clients 60+, I love the outcomes and progressions each client experiences time and time again. To see their self pride and determination continually getting stronger and happier is such a joy.

So, chances are, you are here because you are looking for someone to help you achieve realistic fitness and health goals.

This program works really well for those who know they need to move more but don’t want to. That’s why we take small steps to build your body coherence and help you connect to your body with all daily movement.


We all want to be able to lift the shopping with ease, get in and out of the car efficiently. Simply up and down from a chair and for many of us blessed with grandkids, to be able to lift and carry them when we want to. Doing all these daily movements without hesitation and fear becomes a joy.

Quality Longevity Real Strength is not just a quick fix program even though you will feel amazingly better in 12 weeks. My focus is to help you be continually consistent and build up strength over the years of many 12 week programs. We start with where you are at now in your health and body movements and what is working for you best. Then over time develop greater skills to help you be the best version of yourself going forwards.

PAA Registered Member: KA634910

Functional Cardio and Strength Personal Training

Initial Consultation and first session (90 minutes): $150.00

45 minute session: $80.00